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Warren D. Emerson

Stories, Tidbits, and Ramblings

My Midnight Daydreams

This is a place for practice and patience. Stories do not emerge from the ether wholly formed and loaded with all the analysis and meaning of a cultural touchstone. Stories are time condensed into words—years of persistence and thought coalesced by careful craft and creativity into beginning, middle, and end.

In this place, you will find half-formed ideas, polished stories, error-laden snippets, musings, and whatever other parcels I, the author, deem good enough to put up for others to see.

These are my words. They are only my words. And I have oh so many in my mind.

It is midnight. The dark swirls outside my window, the hum of the fan makes enough white-noise that my thoughts congeal and worlds form. The daydreams of the daylight hours press in, allowed at last their place in all this.

What's New Here?

Stay awhile, read awhile. Stories only grow.

The Clock Tower:

A horror short story just in time for Halloween! A young boy lives with his father in the small Blue Ridge town of Marlow's End. He goes to school, plays with his friends, and fishes along the river; all to the ever present turning of the clock tower gears.


All About the Story

I discuss the writing process and some of my creative decisions. The Workshop will almost always be a discussion about craft and the story in some regard. It is a look behind the curtain, demystifying the art of writing.

Spoilers may follow.



10/31—The site is now live! Check out the blog section for all the writings.
10/31—The Clock Tower, a short story, is live! Check it out in the blog!
10/31—New Workshop live! Check it out in the blog!


Warren Dale Emerson is a pen name. The man behind the name prefers his privacy, but here are a few facts: I love to tell stories and talk about the craft behind them. I prefer to write fantasy, but am flush with ideas ranging the full gambit of genres—hence, this website.

I have a book finished (a fantasy story) and am putting the final editing touches on it so that it will, hopefully, be my first published novel.

As with most things, only time will tell. 

I am not a Stephen King or a Brandon Sanderson—these seemingly unlimited writing machines. I cannot promise regular updates, but my goal is to put up a story or fragment or musing once a month. When in that month, I am uncertain, but it will come along when it does.

In The Press


For any questions, you can contact me at

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